Veterinary Products for Large and Small Animals
Biozyme Merchandise (VitaCharge, VitaFerm, SureChamp)
- Cattle Products
-Loose mineral
-Lick tubs
-Calf supplements - Sheep and Goat Mineral
- Equine Pellets and Paste
- Canine Supplement
Pet Food
- Hills Science Diet
- Hills Science Diet Prescription Formulations
- Royal Canine
- Purina Dog Food
*Hill's Science Diet will guarantee their products, and will refund the purchase price of any food for any reason, even if the bag has been opened.
*Multiple clinic members have completed training and received their Certified Veterinary Nutritional Advocate Certificate.
Small Animal Items
- Dewormers
- Ear medications
- Flea and Tick products
- Heartworm preventatives
- Joint supplements
- Nutraceuticals
- Shampoos
- Treats
- Red Dingo leashes & collars
Large Animal Inventory
- Castration bands& loops
- Dewormer products (oral and pour-on)
- Equipment
-Balling gun
-Ear tags
-Leg bands
-Marking sticks and sprays
-Nose rings
-Syringes / needles - Immunostimulants
- Implants
- Insecticides
- Medications
-Calf diarrhea treatment
-Wound sprays - Oral drench products
-Bloat treatment
-Energy supplement
-Vitacharge® boluses - Oral supplements
-Calcium gel/bolus
-Ketosis gel
-Milk replacer / colostrum replacement
-Vitacharge® liquid, paste, & boluses - Other oral
-Anti-diarrheal boluses
-Magnets - Synchronization products
- Teat dip
- Vaccinations
-Modified live
- Aerosol marking spray
- Dewormers
- Castration bands
- Medications
-Liquid lamb boost - Nipples
- Oral supplements
-Colostrum and milk replacers
-Energy supplement
-Probiotics - Vaccinations
- Bandage material
- Dewormer
- Medications
-Anti-inflammatories - Vaccinations
- Wound dressings/sprays